What's happening, Metuselahs?
I'll tell you what's happening... a tricicle, zero zero zero vps XD but I had so much fun this morning spent on a V:TES tournament, and I think I've learnt some interesting things to take into account for next struggles.
I won't put the names of the players, because this wasn't an official tournamend, and I didn't ask for permission xd so only the decks that attended the tournament:
-- Daughters of Cacophony embraces
-- Weenie dom/obf
-- !tre/tre toolbox
-- Stanislava Baltimore Purge
-- Elimelech Rush strange deck
-- !Ventrue Grinder
-- Nergal Calls the Great Beast
-- Uta Kovacs Tha Combat Rush
In Nexus 7, eight Metuselahs gathered to bleed like bi@tches, 3R+Final, for me 3R hahahh
First Round:
Uta -> me -> !ventrue -> Stanislava
First time in my life that I've played against a Baltimore Purge. !Ventrue killed Purges and Uta got GW. 0 VP
Second Round:
nergal -> me -> !ventrue -> weenie obf/dom
Basically the weenie ousts nergal really fast (he only manages to influence a weenie obf and his nergal adv) and the game gets a bit hard for me. Can't go forward a lot, and a Scourge of the Enochians my prey played helped me to have a 1vs1 with him. But no wakes, he had his wall buildt and got ousted bcs my pool was very damaged(I couldn't deflect all those bleeds, and a bad draw I had..) --> 0 VP's
Third Round:
Daughters -> Stanislava -> weenie dom/obf -> me
Stanislava does Information Highway and Zillah's Valley, fast start. Then weenie bleeds me a bit, and I manage to influence Ladislas, Frondator and Keith Moody, and the Daughters only move blood to uncontrolled, because I had the pressure of the bleeder, and the weenie wanted to oust me quick enough to influence more and resist the continous Purges.
After two turns, he finally pacts with me to bleed me and letting me bounce the bleeds to the Stanislava deck, that was making his game without any pressure.
After having the weenie and me ousted, the Daughters influenced completely the vampires and started to make embraces and trying to get his vp. Close call, Stanislava won again. 0 VP
The only spectate the final round, which was like !ventrue -> Uta -> weenie -> strange deck(changed the elimelech one xD) -> nergal
I only have to say that is was so fun to see it, and to hear them talking, pacting, to get Uta with blood (she was dry), an Anarch Troublemaker doing his job, the !ventrue grinder resisting, but finally game was for the strange obf deck.
Well, learnt some things, got the gift of experience ;) and had lots of fun this morning, even if I went there after 2 nights of insomnia, some huge mistakes today. No tears for spilt milk, as we say in Spain :P
Bleed HARDER, Metuselahs!
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