Sunday, April 4, 2010

Reprint -> Melange

What's happening, Metuselahs?

As a newbie in this game, there are tons of cards that I have never used, read, etc and one of this card is the Melange.

Even though I like to make new decks, and try more clans, I stick with two of them, as you might suppose, the Tremere Antitribu(well, I've also been Camarilla hehh) and the Assamite. So now I run for the first one a bleed/block deck, whick I'm trying to improve the most, and after purchasing a !Ventrue/!Salubri HttB Starter, I got a copy of this card, and the plan is to getting 2 more.

Reaction, Auspex, R , [Sabbat:R, SW:R, HttB:Starter Deck]
[aus] +1 intercept.
[AUS] As above, and if you successfully block the acting minion, put this card on the acting minion; you still control this card. You may burn this card to get +1 bleed when this reacting vampire bleeds the controller of the vampire with this card.
At superior Auspex it's sick, and every deck that runs AUS should include at least a couple, imo.
Bleed boost for my Govern+Conditioning ( I do not fear the archon!! bwahhah... ehmm well xD enough), and for other decks like Tzimisce one, can reach some bigger bleeds, like bleed for 2 with deep song and burn the Melange that was used to block to get finally a bleed of 3...

Worst part: is rare, and only one per starter.... the starter that gets sold the very first!

Best part: in eBay, it's cheap, 1-2$ each one most of the sellers.

Have you ever used it?

Have fun, Metuselahs!


  1. Sure I've used it, two of them are staple in any AUS-heavy deck i make. Awesome card.

  2. I didn't use it yet, but I have plans for it: Auspex + Animalism wall that can bleed with deep song, tear of souls and melange.

  3. :)
    I start to think that the Tzimisce are the vampires which will thank the most the reprint of this card, in other words, I agree with you, Mephistopheles
