Friday, December 3, 2010

Anarch Siren's

What's happening, Metuselahs?

I'm trying to build a deck more or less like this, inspired on a local player's deck that I only have seen in box, but never seen in action.

Why anarch baron daughters? Easy! I don't have The Embraces yet, so I'm trying to find another way to play them and have some fun, with the hope of getting at least 1 vp heh xD

Crypt (15 cards; Capacity min=1 max=6 avg=3.67) ===============================================
4x Anarch Convert 1 -none- Caitiff:ANY
2x Angela Preston 5 for PRE MEL Daughter of Cacophony:2
2x Céleste, The Voice of a Secret 3 pre mel Daughter of Cacophony:2
2x Delilah Monroe 4 for pre MEL Daughter of Cacophony:2
2x Gaël Pilet 6 chi pre FOR MEL Daughter of Cacophony:2
1x Muse 3 ani for mel Daughter of Cacophony:2
2x Yseult 6 FOR MEL PRE Daughter of Cacophony:3
Library (85 cards) ==================
Master (10)
2x Bastille Opera House
2x Conductor
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Hospital Food
1x Paris Opera House
1x Secure Haven
1x Twilight Camp

Action (8)
2x Concert Tour
1x Fee Stake: Boston
1x Fee Stake: Corte
1x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1x Fee Stake: New York
1x Fee Stake: Perth
1x Fee Stake: Seattle
Political Action (19)
7x Benefit Performance
2x Fanfare for Elysium
1x Firebrand
2x Kine Resources Contested
7x Lily Prelude

Ally (3)
3x Member of the Entourage
Action Modifier (23)
1x Daring the Dawn
4x Freak Drive
4x Missing Voice, The
6x Phantom Speaker
1x Siren's Lure
7x Voter Captivation
Combat (14)
4x Groundfighting
6x Majesty
4x Soak

Combo (8)
8x Madrigal
A problem here is my absolute lack of Siren's Lure, but I'm not really worried (?) about that. So the idea is getting my Daughters into the ready region, make them anarch and barons, and start voting. A Benefit Performance of 3 or 4 can't be bad, it's better than nothing.

Groundfighting.... nice way to get rid of the grapples! :D then I can play the S:CE that I would have in hand.

About the crypt, I just don't know how to reduce it to 12-13, because in this period of non-gaming I am living at the moment, I can't test it :-/ what do you think?

Singing in the Elysium, Metuselahs!


  1. Benefit Performance is almost strictly inferior to Con Boon. Fanfare for Elysium is fairly bad, as well. I'd run some sort of weenie killer vote or Reckless Agitation or even Free States Rant.

    Seems like way too much combat, actually, in the absence of Siren's Lure, but it could be a metagame thing.

    Anarch Railroad? Creepshow Casino? Blood Doll/Vessel/Villein? Not sure why Concert Tour and Hospital Food are in there in the absence of pulling blood off of your vampires. Presence skill card or Sanguine Instruction?

    Don't see Secure Haven doing anything. Deck can't run off of one vampire. Rather Fear of Mekhet or whatever.

  2. @Curevei
    Sorry for my delay in answering.
    BP it is indeed inferior to ConBoon, which you can negotiate to give pool to another player, but at least the Benefit can help you pass the votes with the "gain blood if agree" it has in text.

    My meta has always combat :P so I make the decks a bit prepared to that.
    Anarch Railroad is not there because it's expensive, and locations that give stealth...the Paris O.H.

    Deck is ofc untested, and I don't want to drain my vamps, I want to play with the blood I influenced. To poolgain, the ConBoons/BenPerf

    Maybe I don't need Concert Tour in there, and I haven't thought about Presence Skill card or Sanguine Instruction(I do not own this one)
