Saturday, June 16, 2018

Game from 18/06/10

What's happening, Metuselahs?

Time to update the blog one more time. This was about a game I played on 10th of June with my beloved Anarch Fatima M-16 Multirush deck. And the game went like this:

Anneke/Anson Tor Wall > Anarch Fatima (Kerath) > Aching Beauty Toreador > Ventrue Hardy&Friends

So, I didn't draw Fatima on my initial Crypt. Actually it was 3 Anarch Converts and 1 Parnassus. Influenced out Parnassus, made him Anarch with a Convert and started fetching more crypt cards.... Next card was Zahir, Hand of Silsila, then another Anarch Convert and finally Fatima! Conclusion: such a slow start. Luckily, my predator was a wall that didn't bother me much until I got Fatima out.

And what can I say? Still lacking Assault Rifle so things were moving with philosophy. Aching Beauty Toreadors ousted the Ventrues and then they were torporized due to my predator's guns and after I could visit him with Fatima.

A bag of pool was all that remained from my prey so we could say that it was just a 1 vs 1 between the not-so-chill wall of my predator and my Children of Haquim.

There were 3 vampires torporized in the Aching-B Toreador side, so 3 pool drain every turn due to my predator's Dragonbound. And my predator started to bleed. I got rid of Carlton and torporized part of his kindred but made a mistake. A big mistake, I must say.

Fatima sent Anneke to torpor and then decided to pay Constanza a visit. My anarch chick was confident with her power and had a Groundfighting in my hand to potentially cancel something nasty that would be prepared by my predator.

Before distance? Nothing. Distances? Long with the rifle, then Constanza short with Magnum's maneuverwith a maneuver that he got before with Ashur Tablet's Strikes? Fatima shoots, Constanza plays Fast Hands at superior. I try to play Groundfighting because I couldn't choose my strike due to the effect of a card. But it was a mistake I made, that didn't restrict me to make a hand-strike against Constanza. Bye, Assault Rifle. Game was about to be over and my prey still had pool.

I really should have used the groundfighting to go to long distance...

The math game had started. What could I do with these turns remaining, being so short on pool and paying for a Pentex Subversion being contested between a minion of my predator and Fatima. I needed some bloodbags to be punched while Dragonbound ousted my Aching Prey.

These Anarch Converts made the day. Their sacrifice after my torporized Fatima failed to eliminate all pesky Toreadors (& a single Brujah) could make me grab my pool until my prey was Dragonbousted, I got a VP and then ran over by my predator. The Toreador Wall had the GW.

Pretty interesting to play against a Toreador Wall of Anneke, which ironically was my first deck when Keepers of Tradition was released.

Enjoying that the game is back, Metuselahs!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Games from 18/09/02

What's happening, Metuselahs? 

As you know, V:TES is back and quite strong I must say. A total of two tables gathered on Saturday 9th June to bleed again some more. Sadly, I generally just got some pics from my games.

First game: 

DoC Baronessess (Kerath) > Santaleous Malk Votes > Le Dinh To + Giovanni Shambling Hordes > Biothaumaturgic Aggressive Tremeres > Jaroslav Pascek Wall of Bundis

Pascek was my predator so basically it was hard to make things pass. Still, the votes were hard for those that were not blocked due to the rest of the table having enough to push me back even Benefit Performances or Fanfares for Elysium. Too many mistakes were made, like thinking of Madrigal as a "sort of Bewitching Oration"... but had to be played before votes were cast.

First the Shambling Hordes  ousted the Tremere. Afterwards I got ousted by the Jaroslav deck... the Malkavian did his thing and bled the necromancers to death and in the end the Brujah got ousted also by the malkie.

What can I say about this game? Great for learning again how to play. Just one late Fee Stake for my girls and the before mentioned mistakes with others made a hard but entertaining game to come back.

Second game:

On the second table things got quite interesting. I pulled the Ventrue Lawfirm + Alastor and tried my luck.

Istharri Bamba > Brujah Princes POT+CEL > Ventrue Lawfirm (Kerath) > Toreador for+cel Aching Beauty

How was this game? Voting was struggling having all votes as prey/predator for me. A mistake I made that made me learn was the sweet difference of one single vote that the Agate Talisman from the Toreador can make. In addition, I could experience what suffering an Aching Beauty deck as predator could be, very fun twist.

In this game, Brujah Princes first ousted me after rushing all my vamps, then took care of the Toreador and finally 1 vs 1 where he torporized all of the Istharris.

PS: heheh... some things NEVER change.... (my only pic from the other game table)

Next entry will be the game on 18/06/10 where I could play again Fatima and her M16...

See you later, Metuselahs!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Día de Las Muertas, a Samedi Deck

What's happening, Metuselahs?

As promised in the VEKN forum, this blog is back in track and the next entry is about another deck of mine, a pure Samedi allies deck focusing on the excellent Reanimated Corpse.

EDIT: I have found some more of my cards! I have reworked the crypt and the deck and this post will be modified soon.

To continue with "The Path of Blood" (Enjoy your Golconda, brother in blood) way of describing decks...

How do you intend to oust? 

Classic Bruise and Bleed. When the way is clear after beating the possible blockers, enhance the bleeds with Computer Hacking and non-stop insisting.

How do you intend to keep from being ousted?

The Unmasking for some of the Reanimated Corpses to defend me and to pray I do not have a stealth-bleed deck behind me.

What do you want your ready region to look like (ie, how many guys are you planning on getting out)?

At least 2-3 Samedis (Morlock one of them) constantly calling for more Reanimated Corpses and Off-Kiltering / Little Mountain Cemetery.

What do you want your average turn to look like?

Little Mountain Cemetery to bring out more Samedis, create another Reanimated Corpse, Hunt with other vampire that may be depleted already, BLEED with my dear MUERTAS.

What's your metagame like?

I hope to have a meta again :) But at the time, it was varied, most of the time there would be a voter or two in the table and combat was so frequent in Asturias...

Deck Name: Día de Las Muertas
Author: Kerath
Get a lot of Reanimated Corpse, have fun!

Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=4 max=8 avg=6.25)
 1x  Abebe     4  nec obf thn          Samedi:4
 3x  Baroque   7  aus for obf NEC THN  Samedi:5
 2x  Macoute   6  obf thn FOR NEC      Samedi:4
 4x  Morlock   8  obf FOR NEC THN      Samedi:4
 2x  Tanginé   7  ani nec pot OBF THN  Samedi:4

Library (90 cards)
Master (14)
 3x Blood Doll
 4x Coroner's Contact
 1x Houngan
 1x Major Boon
 1x Mob Connections
 1x Perfectionist
 2x Vessel
 1x Wider View

Event (1)
 1x Unmasking, The

Action (18)
 4x Computer Hacking
 6x Little Mountain Cemetery
 6x Off Kilter
 1x Pressing Flesh
 1x Putrescent Servitude

Equipment (5)
 1x Aaron's Feeding Razor
 1x Gas-Powered Chainsaw
 1x Ivory Bow
 2x Wooden Stake

Ally (13)
 1x Ossian
12x Reanimated Corpse

Action Modifier (13)
 1x Call of the Hungry Dead
 2x Cloak the Gathering
 2x Elder Impersonation
 3x Hag's Wrinkles
 3x Under My Skin
 2x Veil the Legions

Reaction (6)
 4x On the Qui Vive
 2x Steadfastness

Combat (20)
 3x Concealed Weapon
 1x Forearm Block
 2x Skin of Rock
 4x Soak
 1x Target Hand
 5x Target Vitals
 4x Weighted Walking Stick

Last comments?

Of course there is room for improval, I would like to acquire some more Morlocks to balance the crypt a bit and to rework a bit the library. I have found some more of my cards! I have reworked the crypt and the deck and this post will be modified soon.

I do not really have bleed defense, but the games I used this deck, the pressure in the prey is satisfying.

Concealed Weapong + Wooden Stake is hilarious!! But I will end up removing it for the sake of effectiveness.

I promised this to be budget but since I had my Imbued deck with all the Target Vitals and thought that better dismantle that deck (you know, VTES is for having fun and most of the time imbueds are no fun for the rest) and those Target Vitals can be such a fine addition to this strategy. A Reanimated Corpse can strike for 5 damage with WWS + TV. Crazy eh?

If there is any advide for this deck, let me know!! The Samedi are ugly AF but is a deck I enjoy a lot playing. Ah, and for aesthetic reasons, no Troglodytia allowed in the crypt :D (well, ended up adding one until Lost Kindred arrives).

See you later, Metuselahs!!

Friday, April 27, 2018

We are Back in Black (Chantry)!!!

What's happening, Metuselahs?

Years have passed, what is in torpor may never die and V:TES? It's back again.

As for this blog? Of course it is back. I'm sleeving again my decks and hope to have the opportunity to play again here in Asturias.

I want to give my congratulations to the founders of Black Chantry Productions...

Hugh Angseesing - Ben Peal - Ginés Quiñonero Santiago - Henrik Klippström - Vincent Ripoll

And of course, thank you to all the fanbase of V:TES that had been waiting and hoping for a comeback.

We are back!!