In this type of deck, we can take advantage with cards like Magic of the Smith to fetch the right equipment in each situation, keep our vampires alive bloating via theft of vitae+vessel/blood doll, defending locations like Powerbase Montreal or ousting via Smiling Jack if you become more wall-ish. We also use deflections and telepathic misdirections to bounce the bleeds, all the AUS to block and we oust generally with dominate bleeds.
So, in general our vampires can handle a fight, bleed, block and we can adapt our strategy as we play our game.
>> Tournament Winning Decks:
- Carna - by Izaak Havelaar - June 2009 - A straightforward deck, focused on bleeding and some combat block mainly via equipment.
- I love the Tremere - by simon Reed - June 2009 - The typical Carna deck, toolboxy and effective.
- Carna - by Adam Talarek - November 2008 - Wall version of the Carna deck.
>> Mainstays of the Deck:
- Carna, The Princess Witch: her +1 Int and all the clan-disciplines at superior for just 7 pool and the primogen title makes her the most stable vampire in the deck. You will just love her.
- Chantry: I'm just obsessed with this card, your mages will come back to the ready region over and over again. Works really well with Burst of Sunlight (if you don't have the Rotschreck in hand ofc)
- Magic of the Smith: search an item, and equip it at +3 stealth (at THA), for just one blood!
- Bowl of Convergence: main equipment for any blocker that uses Auspex.
Sometimes is good to pack some Burst of Sunlight+Rotschreck to make them fear everytime you block, or carrying a Ponticulus, the new ally released in Keepers of Tradition which has become very handy. Equipments like Sniper Rifle or .44 Magnum have their space in here, and master cards like The Rack, PB Montreal, Marraketch Codex or Erciyes Fragments.
Deck Name: Carna
Author: Ishvalan
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=3 max=7 avg=5.75)
4x Carna, The Princess Witch 7 AUS DOM THA Tremere:3
1x Elena Mendoza Vasquez 6 dom obt AUS THA !Tremere:3
1x Eugenio Estevez 6 dom for AUS THA Tremere:3
1x Martin Franckel 3 tha AUS Tremere:3
1x Masika St. John 3 THA Tremere:3
1x Muhsin Samir 6 aus pot DOM THA Tremere:4
1x Neighbor John 5 dom for AUS !Ventrue:4
1x Selena 6 AUS DOM THA !Tremere:3
1x Valois Sang, The Watcher 6 nec tha AUS DOM Tremere:3
Library (90 cards)
Master (14)
1x Arcane Library
1x Chantry
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Montreal
2x Rötschreck
1x Rack, The
1x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
4x Vessel
1x WMRH Talk Radio
Action (14)
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
9x Govern the Unaligned
4x Magic of the Smith
Equipment (4)
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Ivory Bow
1x Light Intensifying Goggles
1x Sniper Rifle
Ally (2)
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1x Ponticulus
Action Modifier (10)
4x Conditioning
3x Mirror Walk
3x Seduction
Reaction (27)
4x Deflection
4x Eagle's Sight
2x Enhanced Senses
6x Eyes of Argus
2x Forced Awakening
3x On the Qui Vive
2x Precognition
4x Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (19)
8x Apportation
3x Burst of Sunlight
8x Theft of Vitae
See you later, Metuselahs!